2018.4.3 / 身體現代主義



Corporeal Modernism


This talk aims to rearticulate the cinematic body as a critical and historical object. I clarify what the cinematic body is by illustrating the phenomenological and ethical relationship between the represented bodies and the audience’s body. This is done through examining the scholarship on the body in cinema and their philosophical and theoretical lineage. Historically speaking, the representation of the human body is most pronounced in the so-called body cinema. I retrace its emergence—what I call corporeal modernism—back to 1960s cinematic modernism and work through its evolution in different national contexts in order to foreground its subversive potential. Corporeal modernism is the technical and ethical awareness of the body-image located in the history of cinema.



于昌民, 美國愛荷華大學電影系博士候選人,著作散見於《電影評論》(Film Criticism)、《影片與錄像季評》(Quarterly Review of Film and Video)、《歐洲媒體研究期刊》(NECSUS: European Journal of Media Studies)和《影迷檔案》(The Cine-Files),學術翻譯(包括了梅茲、李歐塔、巴贊及艾爾索沙等)則多刊於《電影藝術》和《藝術觀點》。近來研究方向包括了身體電影、數位電影及形體分析。

Chang-Min Yu is a PhD candidate in the film studies program at the University of Iowa. His articles have appeared in Film Criticism, Quarterly Review of Film and Video, NECSUS, and The Cine-Files. He has also translated the works of André Bazin, Jean-François Lyotard, and Christian Metz into Chinese. His current research interests lie in corporeal cinema, digital cinema, and figural studies.


de Baecque, Antoine. “Le lieu à l’œuvre: Fragments pour une histoire du corps au cinema.” Vertigo 15 (1996): 11-17.

Richmond, Scott C. Cinema’s Bodily Illusions. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016.

Scarry, Elaine. The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985.

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