
時間:2021年04月27日(一) 13:30-16:30



This lecture examines different ways that prosthetic devices have been incorporated into the dancing body. Fuller, Schlemmer, and Chouinard’s works show hybrid bodies that theatrically manipulate and are affected by various devices. The different cultural contexts they worked in will be discussed as will the work of two philosophers of technology–Martin Heidegger and Don Ihde–which is helpful when thinking about the relationships between dance, the body, and technology. The session will weave together dance history and theory to consider what significance these works have for us today.


Eric Mullis
現為美國夏洛特皇后大學哲學系副教授,研究領域包含舞蹈與科技、表演哲學等。美國南卡羅萊納大學哲學博士(Ph.D. in Philosophy)、威斯康辛大學密爾沃基分校舞蹈碩士(MFA)。最新著作:Pragmatist Philosophy and Dance: Interdisciplinary Dance Research in the American South (2019)。相關論文發表於 Dance Research Journal、Performance Philosophy、 Dance Research、Dance Chronicle、Journal of Performing Arts and Digital等期刊。