講者: Henk Slager(荷蘭烏特勒支視覺藝術與設計研究生院院長)
On Seminar
羅蘭.巴特的一篇文章對於回答這個迫切的問題,非常有建設性且發人深省 — — 他早在40年前就談過應降低對知識的消耗。〈致研討班〉(To the Seminar)一文描述了多元的方法如何巧妙地創造出教學法上的震蕩,巴特認為研討可操作的空間,由學院、移轉與文本這一系列間接的、彈性的三角關係構成,這三個組成要素不斷互相補充,維繫著如「無法預測的韻律」般的動能與多樣性。
Research and visual art have colored the context of many activities developed by Henk Slager over the last eight years. Significant contributions to the debate on the situation of research in visual art resulted from his professorship Artistic Research and his position of Dean of the Utrecht Graduate School of Visual Art and Design (MaHKU) leading to productions such as the yearly Dutch Artistic Research Event (DARE) and the publication of the biannual MaHKUzine, Journal of Artistic Research.
In 2006, Henk Slager initiated – together with Jan Kaila and Gertrud Sandqvist – the European Artistic Research Network (EARN), a network investigating the consequences of artistic research for current art education in symposia, expert meetings, and presentations such as A Certain Ma-ness (Amsterdam, 2008), Epistemic Encounters (Utrecht, 2009), Arts Research: Publics and Purposes (Dublin, 2010), Tables of Thought (Helsinki, 2010), Agonistic Academies (Brussels, 2010), Art as a Thinking Process (Venice, 2011), Staging Knowledge (Istanbul, 2012), Doing Research (Documenta 13, 2012), The Counter-Order of Things (Venice, 2013) and What is Monumental Today (St. Petersburg, 2014).
延伸觀察:Henk Slager 2017策展項目“TO SEMINAR”
「為研討班注入活水」文:翰克.斯勞格(Henk Slager)譯:李佳霖
原為2018年中國美術學院Panel 21藝術教育論壇北京場發言稿,經編輯整理後刊載於《新美術》V.39, Number 5, 2018。
“To the Seminar” :Roland Barthes,1974